Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gavin had his first birthday!

I don't have any pictures downloaded yet, but Gavin had his first birthday celebration. G-Lo came from Las Vegas to participate in the festivities. We ordered 2cakes from Edible Art, one for us (almond flavored) and one for Gavin (vanilla). Gavin seemed to really enjoy his cake, I felt bad for him later though, he threw up 2 times. He did not even eat that much cake, but I think it was too rich for him.

Sophia is doing terrific. She has really grown up a lot in the last couple of weeks, emotionally. She does the cutest things, like count 1...2....3 at Gavin when he does not do what she wants. It really is funny. I try so hard no to laugh when she 'punishes' her dolls. I don't know what I ever did before I had kids. They are the best things to ever happen to Shan and I.

Mom is in town and sleeping with Gavin, well, I should clarify that. She was sleeping with Gavin, but he apparently doesn't take kindly to sharing his space. He woke up and would not go back to sleep. So, Grandma Lo has been sleeping on the sofa. She went to Mama Mary's house tonight to try to get some sleep. I hope she is able to.

It is late, I am heading to bed!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I really need to keep this updated.

I feel like I need to post pictures to keep this updated and so I haven't posted. Well, I am just going to plug along without pictures. I am hoping that someday the kids can read this online journal to learn about the fun, and not so fun, things they did from day to day.

Today Sophia had Bible study study as she calls it. She has been feeling under the weather and did not eat breakfast this morning. She drank like a fish, but no food. Mary picked her up and took her to the church where Sophia promptly threw a fit as she thought they were going to eat. I had to laugh out loud; I told her she was going to BSF and then out to eat with Gavin and Suzanne.

Sophia likes to eat outside as she calls it (eating out). I think she would eat out every meal of everyday, despite my 'awesome' cooking. Everything I make is awesome according to Daddy and Sophia.

Gavin is plugging along. He is not talking or walking yet, but I don't think it will be much longer. He likes to wave to himself and say bah bah bah. He is still a little peanut compared to his sister. His next well visit is Friday, I will know more about where he falls on the growth chart then.

It's a little late to be thinking about New Year's resolutions, but one of them for me is to keep this updated. My goal, ideally, would be daily. But, in shooting for the realistic I would like to have this updated at least 3 times a week, so check back often.
