Saturday, May 31, 2008

This I believe

The fruits of creation are for everyone, wtihout exception-not something to be doled out to insiders or the 'deserving'. --Sara Miles

N.P.R. has a weekly essay called This I believe. It is an international project meant to connect people in their writing, sharing and discussing core values that guide their daily lives.

You can visit the 'This I belive' website HERE

Friday, May 30, 2008


If you have been tagged, just copy and paste the rules and the questions onto your own blog or post. Then delete answers, and insert the ones you think your child/children would choose. At the end of the post tag 5 others and then let them know they have been tagged.

1) My name is: Sophia Pearl/Gavin Walker

2.) My first word was: Mama/Gavin hasn't really said any words yet.. he grunts and points

3.) My favorite food right now is: anything candy related/anything! Gavin would eat paper if I would let him.

4.) My favorite song is: Jesus Loves me/anything I can clap my hands to

5.) My car seat color is: both the kiddos have brown seats

6.) My room color is: lime green/light mocha brown

7.) I love to use this kind of shampoo: We both HATE having our hair washed.

8.) The thing that can make me the maddest is: Getting our hair washed

9.) My favorite person right now is: Mommy/Daddy

10.) I like to read this book over and over and over: Anything by Karen Katz/anything that is very short, I don't like to sit still long!

11.) My brand of diapers is: Sophia only wears a pull up at night (GoodNites by Huggies I believe) and G wears mostly Luvs, but if I can get a deal on something else I will get them.

12.) The cutest thing I say is: EVERYTHING!

13.) My favorite fruit is: Watermelon or Cantaloupe for both kiddos

14.) When I get hurt I want: a hug and kiss

15.) I mostly ride around in a: Grey Honda Odyssey

16.) I go to bed at: 7:00PM for both

17.) I wake up at: 6:30 for Sophia Gavin usually a few minutes earlier. I am trying to get him to sleep a bit later and we are already keeping him up an hour later and still have not seen a difference in his waking time :(

18.) My nap time during the day is: Sophia no longer naps most days/Gavin naps for about 2 hours every day, the times change drastically from an early nap (9:30-11:30) all the way up until a late nap (1:00-3:00). If I give him a late nap he will sleep longer sometimes as much as 3 hours.

19.) My most favorite thing to do is: go to the park or eat candy

20.) My favorite show/movie is: Super Why on PBS.

Tag: Anyone who has not been tagged, I think I was the last to get this, so if you have not been tagged and happen to peek at my blog feel free to do this, it was fun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Petting Zoo

We went to the drive-thru zoo today. Sophia was terrified. I hope I did not do any permanent damage! We started out being stocked by either an Emu or Ostrich, they both look the same to me. I unfortunately forgot my camera in my haste to get out the door. We will be going back, hopefully next week and I won't make that mistake twice. They had llama's, pot-bellied pigs, all kinds of goats, deer, zebra, giraffe, a rhinoceros, cows (different kinds including the longhorn variety), and more I am sure I am forgetting. It was raining pretty hard by the time we were done with the drive-thru part so we opted to skip the petting zoo part. We will go on a sunny day next time.

Funny story: I did not read the little brochure before going on the drive. It advises you to not feed the animals with your hand, to let them eat out of the buckets. It also lists the animals NOT to feed. I got to the Zebra's area and after feeding the goats and such the zebra looked mighty intimidating, so I thought I would stick the bucket out for him to get a little snack and I would take it back. That is really laughable. He snatched the whole bucket out of my hand dropped it on the ground and ate the whole thing in about 3 bites! After this I was reading in my brochure where NOT to feed the zebra's. Bad Mommy. It was very cool to see the animals up close. I can't wait to go back. I am hoping Sophia will be more into it next time.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pat's Party

Shannon has a 2nd cousin (I think?) who was recently diagnosed cancer and his family had a big picnic. We spent the afternoon eating, swinging and having a great time. I am glad we got to go and be a part of the day.

Here is a shot of Sophia when we first got there

Shan swinging Gavin.

Probably my favorite shot of Sophia alone today. Her hair is a MESS, but she was having so much fun and you can tell.

Sophia and I went shopping this morning for a hat to wear today and this was the one we ended up with:

We couldn't leave Gavin out of the hat hunt!

Shan, Suzanne and Gavin:

Sophia and Mama Mary:

The lone shot of me today, I had to take it myself!

Mama Mary teaching Sophia to play frisbie.

There were many, many more pictures taken. Go to my dropshot account to see. The link to the right.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thank you God for parks and time spent in them!

We have a tradition in my small group at church. We do a 'popcorn' prayer. The leader opens the prayer, then we give thanks and everyone just pops out things they are thankful for, then we offer up our prayers of confession, then we do our prayer requests and close.

Today I am thankful for parks and time spent in them! Leslie called this afternoon, her son Dylan wanted to go to Gofia's park (read: Sophia's park). We have a small neighborhood park near our house that is great because I don't worry too much about either child. The equipment is pretty doable for both kids, you can see the entire park from anywhere in the park and being small there generally is not a TON of people. There is a small trail that loops around the park and a good sized grassy area for the kids to run and play and chase each other around. We left and got there about 4PM today. I was thinking a quick play date would help them. Boy, was I right! Sophia took quite well to two moms and their kids throwing a Frisbee and tennis ball. She had a blast! At one point I looked over and one mother was chasing her around tickling her, Sophia was truly enjoying herself. It reminded me of the old saying "it takes a village...".

Gavin started out on the swing like he normally does, but once he got accustomed to the children there he wanted out and he went ALL OVER. This was a bit new for him, usually he sticks pretty close. He wanted to go on the slide, which he does normally, but he wanted to do it over and over and over again, so much more than before. I can see that park time is going to be increasingly difficult to pull them away from. I am just glad it is so close and our weather permits almost daily visits. I did not bring my camera and wish I had.

I spent a good portion of today organzing my stock pile. I hope to get it finished and get some new pictures up soon. I don't want you all to think I live in such chaos all the time (even though I do!).

The season finale of Grey's is on tonight. How much of a dork am I that I am soooo excited about this I can hardly contain myself. I read somewhere that the producer said they were going to reunite Meredith and McDreamy and I.CANNOT.WAIT. And it's a 2 hour show! I hope it is all I imagine it to be.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

sleeping babies

Sophia and Gavin are so peaceful when they sleep! I had to snap a couple shots of them sleeping tonight.

Gavin's last day of 'school' is tomorrow. I made his teachers gift baskets. It is a popcorn tub (microwavable popcorn in a tub like you would get at the movie theatre) with Coke, and assortment of candy and gift card to the movie theatre. Here is the picture of how they turned out.

More Triples!

I could not help myself from going back to Bi-Lo today. I had 20 Scott paper towel coupons I was trying to use up. They also had Mott's juice on sale and with the coupon from Sunday's paper it was free. Sophia and Gavin drink a lot of juice. So, I ended up getting mustard (free), 2 bottles of juice (free), 14 rolls of paper towels (free), a can of sweetened condensed milk, a pound of butter, several packages of taco seasoning and a partridge in a pear tree (just seeing if you are paying attention) for 1.07! I am now trying to talk Shannon into a stand alone freezer. Look-out triples if I get a freezer.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Total money spent OUT OF POCKET $35.30 (this included 4 gift cards for 10.00 each)
Total spent on gift cards $29.63
Total coupons tendered $915.03

stock pile pictures

I still don't have my totals together yet. The cleaning lady is here now, maybe once she leaves I will get my totals together. But, in the meantime here are some photos. And no. I am not C.R.A.Z.Y. I just love free stuff!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Shannon and I have had an exhausting weekend. The kids have really kept us on our toes. Between over 20 trips to Harris Teeter over the last 3 days I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. So today after a long day Shannon came into our bedroom and said Dammit! these kids are wearing me out. Not 5 minutes later Sophia said Dammit! my foot hurts. I had to explain daddy did not mean to say that word, you may not say that word. Daddy had to explain how wrong he was and let her know if she said it again she would be spanked, and if he said it again mommy would spank him too! It was all I could do to keep from falling off my chair laughing. It was really a funny moment in a long day.

I need to get my receipts together for my triples savings, but I did really well! I will get a picture up of my loot later this week.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Isn't she lovely! This was my Mother's Day gift. I feel blessed everyday we chose to send her to Carmel Baptist Wee School. Her teachers are so creative and fantastic. Sophia Loves, Loves, LOVES school. I really could not have asked for a better experience. Gavin will be there next year and I can't wait to see if he ends up loving it as much as Sophia has.

This was my 'hand picked' bouquet of flowers!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Same old, Same old.

I have been very busy! School is nearing its end, mother's day is rapidly approaching and between gifts and running to the post office, I'm feeling a little drained. Triples are coming up next week at HT and that has me a little anxious. Who knew saving money could make someone so happy!

Sophia is doing wonderfully with her training. I now consider her day potty trained. We will need to work on night at some point, but I am in no hurry right now. She has her first dentist appointment Thursday May 14. I am not looking forward to that. I hope that there is some sort of built in mechanism that prevents cavities in children, I do not see how she could NOT have them with the poor gene's she got from us and her inability to brush them well on her own coupled with her insistence she do it herself, followed by her screaming if I go anywhere near her with the toothbrush!

Gavin is doing so well. He has a very contagious smile. Everyone he meets comments on it. He had to go to the dentist this morning for his first visit. He has some bleeding from his frenulum (? the little skin that attaches at your lip and right above your two front teeth). The dentist gave him the all-good. We need to get him in for a cleaning and such, but with 8 teeth (and 4 molars sprouting with some eye teeth teething) I don't see the need just yet. I will plan to do that late summer/early fall.

For those who may read my blog in Seattle: the kids and I will be in town for my moms 50th birthday late July through the 22nd of August, over 3 weeks! Shannon will be lost without us, but I am so excited. email me if you want to plan to get together--