Friday, August 17, 2007

woo hoo mama got her new bling!

It has taken some time, but it is here!

Not the best picture, but you get the point.

We are back from our trip to Chicago and Seattle. I have updated the dropshots account with tons of pictures. We had a good time overall. It was sad burying Jeff. I still cannot believe he is gone and we will never see him again.

Gavin is teething, I expect to see teeth any day now. I can sure feel it when I nurse him!

Sophia had her 2 year check-up. She is now a whopping 37.75 inches tall! She is far above the charts in her height. Her weight is 30 pounds and 6 ounces, which is 90th percentile and her head is 19 inches which puts her in the 75th percentile for head circumfrence. She was such a big girl and did not even cry when she had her shot.

We are all tired, but doing well. I will keep updating weekly.


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