Tuesday, October 9, 2007


We are on day 8 of no nap, however, I think she would have napped yesterday if I tried a little harder. It was kind of late in the afternoon and I did not want to mess up bed time. The really good news is that she slept until 7AM this morning. I hope that this is a new trend for us. She actually woke a little before 6, but I explainedthat she couldn't get out of bed until it was light outside and she seemed to do ok with it.

We are on day 7 of no wubbanub and I think she is just about done asking for it! I thought giving up her paci would be a lot harder than it ended up being. For that I am thankful.

Next: Potty training.

1 comment:

Jen said...

HI Dandy - I had no idea you had a blog!! I hope you have success with all the sleep issues - I certainly don't envy you there :O)