Tuesday, February 26, 2008

door to door salespeople

I was awoken this afternoon from our nap (Gavin and I) to the door bell ringing. I thought perhaps Shannon had ordered something online and I needed to sign for it, so I went to the door. It was two young girls, probably late teens. They were selling magazines to try to raise money for a trip. I looked through the list and decided on Bon Appetite. Much to my dismay this is going to cost me $57.00 for 2 years! Wow, that seems like a lot. But, it is for a good cause, right?

A couple things that bothered me about this transaction. 1. They wanted to come in my house and sit down to fill out the slip. 2. They asked to use the phone to call the order in (it seems like they should have a cell phone for that, or maybe do it when they get back home). I have visions of getting some $2000.00 phone bill from their using my phone. I am saddened by my mistrust of these two young girls, but in today's day and age how can I not be leery? I feel that by trying to do a good deed I will be robbed or have my identity stolen. How can I change this way of thinking.

I heard a story on NPR today. There was a nun in the Amazon Rain Forest who was murdered. She was walking through the forest on the way to a meeting with some landowners when someone stopped her. They pulled a gun. She said please don't shoot, pulled out her Bible and read a passage, put her Bible back and was shot and killed. I like to think she knew she was going to die and in the moment read the passage to try to save her killers soul. I want the faith she had to be comfortable with her mortality and the conviction she had to preach to the murderers. I want her way of thinking. Even though she was going to be killed she did not let it take away from her doing her job.

Gavin took his first step tonight. One, Glorious, Unassisted step! He also said Ma Ma for the first time! What a Glorious day at the Hendrick house today!

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