Friday, March 28, 2008

Goodbye July 05!

After months and months of agonizing over the state of things at I have finally left. I spent over 3 years with many of these women through the pregnancy and birth of Sophia. Wondering how to raise little Sophia these women offerd up suggestions I had never thought of, support when I felt like a failure as a mother and we cried together when we lost one of our own. I am not sure when the mood changed, but change it did. I finally decided that engaging in the 'drama' was not getting me anywhere and by staying I was condoning the behavior of these grown women. It feels a bit weird not logging in. Several times I have accidentally gone to the site, 'forgetting' that I am no longer a member. I chose this, but still it is a bit bittersweet. I know given a few days this will all pass.

To those members who might view my blog: "behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own immage" Goethe.

To those who I said were evil and did nothing wrong, I have a few points I would like to make. First I am sorry I lumped you all together. Many of you have been nothing but generous with advice and warmth towards me. I appreciate that. Diane, you specifically. I always enjoyed reading your posts. I wish you nothing but the best. There are many others that this would apply to and only a select few I have don't have anything good to say, and will therefore say nothing at all. But the few I have nothing nice to say about have ruined the rest for me. I feel like the bad behavior is condoned by the rest of you. While I am sure my leaving came as a blessing to you all, I would ask that you think seriously about how you would feel if your daughters were spoken to in the manner in which many of our members have been spoken to. Would you still condone that behavior? We have run off many members who have chosen not to engage in the debate. Perhaps my posts the last few days at J05 were less than becoming of me. This is why I left. I do not want to be 'that' person anymore.

"in the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" MLK Jr.


Sara said...

Welcome to the other side. I miss the "old" J05 but I have never once regretted leaving the "new and improved" site.

Chris said...

:-) I'm not sure how I found you, but I did!! I can't believe how grown up your babies are :-)

I, like sara, have never for a moment regretted my decision to leave.