Friday, May 30, 2008


If you have been tagged, just copy and paste the rules and the questions onto your own blog or post. Then delete answers, and insert the ones you think your child/children would choose. At the end of the post tag 5 others and then let them know they have been tagged.

1) My name is: Sophia Pearl/Gavin Walker

2.) My first word was: Mama/Gavin hasn't really said any words yet.. he grunts and points

3.) My favorite food right now is: anything candy related/anything! Gavin would eat paper if I would let him.

4.) My favorite song is: Jesus Loves me/anything I can clap my hands to

5.) My car seat color is: both the kiddos have brown seats

6.) My room color is: lime green/light mocha brown

7.) I love to use this kind of shampoo: We both HATE having our hair washed.

8.) The thing that can make me the maddest is: Getting our hair washed

9.) My favorite person right now is: Mommy/Daddy

10.) I like to read this book over and over and over: Anything by Karen Katz/anything that is very short, I don't like to sit still long!

11.) My brand of diapers is: Sophia only wears a pull up at night (GoodNites by Huggies I believe) and G wears mostly Luvs, but if I can get a deal on something else I will get them.

12.) The cutest thing I say is: EVERYTHING!

13.) My favorite fruit is: Watermelon or Cantaloupe for both kiddos

14.) When I get hurt I want: a hug and kiss

15.) I mostly ride around in a: Grey Honda Odyssey

16.) I go to bed at: 7:00PM for both

17.) I wake up at: 6:30 for Sophia Gavin usually a few minutes earlier. I am trying to get him to sleep a bit later and we are already keeping him up an hour later and still have not seen a difference in his waking time :(

18.) My nap time during the day is: Sophia no longer naps most days/Gavin naps for about 2 hours every day, the times change drastically from an early nap (9:30-11:30) all the way up until a late nap (1:00-3:00). If I give him a late nap he will sleep longer sometimes as much as 3 hours.

19.) My most favorite thing to do is: go to the park or eat candy

20.) My favorite show/movie is: Super Why on PBS.

Tag: Anyone who has not been tagged, I think I was the last to get this, so if you have not been tagged and happen to peek at my blog feel free to do this, it was fun.

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