Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thank you God for parks and time spent in them!

We have a tradition in my small group at church. We do a 'popcorn' prayer. The leader opens the prayer, then we give thanks and everyone just pops out things they are thankful for, then we offer up our prayers of confession, then we do our prayer requests and close.

Today I am thankful for parks and time spent in them! Leslie called this afternoon, her son Dylan wanted to go to Gofia's park (read: Sophia's park). We have a small neighborhood park near our house that is great because I don't worry too much about either child. The equipment is pretty doable for both kids, you can see the entire park from anywhere in the park and being small there generally is not a TON of people. There is a small trail that loops around the park and a good sized grassy area for the kids to run and play and chase each other around. We left and got there about 4PM today. I was thinking a quick play date would help them. Boy, was I right! Sophia took quite well to two moms and their kids throwing a Frisbee and tennis ball. She had a blast! At one point I looked over and one mother was chasing her around tickling her, Sophia was truly enjoying herself. It reminded me of the old saying "it takes a village...".

Gavin started out on the swing like he normally does, but once he got accustomed to the children there he wanted out and he went ALL OVER. This was a bit new for him, usually he sticks pretty close. He wanted to go on the slide, which he does normally, but he wanted to do it over and over and over again, so much more than before. I can see that park time is going to be increasingly difficult to pull them away from. I am just glad it is so close and our weather permits almost daily visits. I did not bring my camera and wish I had.

I spent a good portion of today organzing my stock pile. I hope to get it finished and get some new pictures up soon. I don't want you all to think I live in such chaos all the time (even though I do!).

The season finale of Grey's is on tonight. How much of a dork am I that I am soooo excited about this I can hardly contain myself. I read somewhere that the producer said they were going to reunite Meredith and McDreamy and I.CANNOT.WAIT. And it's a 2 hour show! I hope it is all I imagine it to be.

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