Sunday, May 18, 2008


Shannon and I have had an exhausting weekend. The kids have really kept us on our toes. Between over 20 trips to Harris Teeter over the last 3 days I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. So today after a long day Shannon came into our bedroom and said Dammit! these kids are wearing me out. Not 5 minutes later Sophia said Dammit! my foot hurts. I had to explain daddy did not mean to say that word, you may not say that word. Daddy had to explain how wrong he was and let her know if she said it again she would be spanked, and if he said it again mommy would spank him too! It was all I could do to keep from falling off my chair laughing. It was really a funny moment in a long day.

I need to get my receipts together for my triples savings, but I did really well! I will get a picture up of my loot later this week.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That's hilarious! Brooke has said "Oh crap!" a few times and I had to really hide my laughter because I know she gets it from me. You are the coupon queen, can't wait to see your stuff!