Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese!

We survived Sophia's 3rd birthday party (read: I survived)! Her party went off without a hitch and was fun for everyone involved. I even think Gavin had a good time. He was tired as the day wore on and got a bit grumpy, but I think he did well considering. Sophia was in 'hog heaven' the whole day. She got to play with all her friends at the same time and eat pizza and cake, while getting to take home all the loot (gifts). She got many really cool gifts I think her favorite was a set of dress up accessories: shoes, necklace, earrings and other costume jewelry. She wanted to waer the dress up heals to the grocery store today. I had to explain they were not appropriate and the funny thing is if she could actually walk in them I would have let her wear them, but I was affraid she would fall in them.

Sophia got flowers from Grandma Dee delivered a couple days ago. Sophia wanted to model with them. Funny backstory on the flowers. When Mother's Day was here last month I received flowers from Grandma Dee. Sophia thought they were for her for her birthday. She was kinda crushed when she found out they were for me. So she got her own, for her birthday.

Sophia STILL has a black eye. This was taken when she was really tired and If I were any good at photoshop I would make this her mug shot!

I have updated many pictures on the dropshots account, click the family pictures link to the right to see more!


Stephanie said...

That looks like a fantastic party! The cake is absolutely gorgeous. Happy birthday Sophia!!!

Anonymous said...

I think instead of a mug shot that picture should be titled "Party Overdose" Glad Sophia had a good Birthday
Love, LoLo

Anonymous said...

she lookis just like you when you were little! She is adorable even with a black eye, poor thing! i looove her birthday cake! Little spoiled cute girl! Can't wait to see you guys next weekend! YEAH!!!